How To Customize Your WooCommerce Product Page

Do you want your WooCommerce product page to grab more visitor’s attention and convert them into potential customers?

If yes, then check the best practices to customize your WooCommece product page design for your online store.

A product page is one of the most important pages in your eCommerce store. With the increase in the number of online buyers, most store owners have started to focus on producing product-specific product pages.

The best part is to create a product page that makes the buying process easier and quicker, which directly improves customer experience.

In this article, we will write on how you can customize WooCommerce product page design to attract more consumers.

We will also help you determine different features to add to make it more attractive and practical.

Customizing the WooCommerce product page

The default WooCommer product pages are functional and an excellent fit for many online stores. The product has a crucial role to play, as it’s one of the essential pages in the WooCommerce store.

Yet, the default page doesn’t deliver much. But, you may want something that reflects your products’ style and benefits.

The default WooCommerce product page is best for selling simple products. But that’s not ideal for selling products with a lot of variations.

There are tons of stores that sell products with multiple variations. Setting up your variations is straightforward. But, making those variations easy to demonstrate, browse, and purchase — that’s where you might need a helping hand.

That’s why we have linked the tutorial to help you create WooCommerce variable products.

Now, let’s get right into the steps to customize and optimize your WooCommere product page with the following plugins:

Add Swatches on the product page

No matter how exceptional your products are, they won’t sell your product pages poorly crafted.

WooCommerce allows you to create variations to a product such as an image, color, size, price, or any other specific feature your product might have.

If your product has color, size, or pattern variations, customers want to see them in action. The WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin displays variations like size, color, styles, patterns, etc., with a button, image, color, or radio button swatches.

Enable color variation swatches:  When you are selling variable attribute products, adding color variations is one of the best ways to bring more life into it.

Check the tutorial to add color variations in WooCommerce products –

Add image variation swatches: Image variation swatches provide a pleasant way to display variations of a product.

Check this guide to add image variation swatches for product attributes –

Show radio button swatches: radio button swatches are customer-friendly and help you have a better UX in your WooCommerce shop.

Check the tutorial to show radio swatches on WooCommerce variations –

Single attribute variations on the shop page: This Swatches plugin is the first WooCommerce Variation Swatches to bring this exclusive option besides the general feature. It has the feature to show single WooCommerce product attribute variations swatches on the shop category page.

Follow this guide to show selected single WooCommerce product attribute swatches of the shop category page –

The plugin features will provide customers a better idea of precisely what they are buying. At the same time, it will improve the design of your WooCommerce store product pages.

Customize the product image gallery

WooCommerce product attribute variations help increase sales based on color, style, size, etc. But it has no option to add extra images or add video file format for variations.

The Additional Image Variation Gallery plugin has some incredible features, displaying unlimited variation images per product variation, display video, gallery image sorting option, etc.

Add multiple images per variation:  The plugin has an excellent option to add multiple images for each variation.  For each variation, it allows inserting any number of images to your product variations. The feature is effective for making variation image presentations awesome.

Product video for WooCommere: Videos are powerful ways to showcase your products in action. Adding a video to product variations is advantageous for getting more store sales and customer experience.

The plugin enables adding additional images per product variation for product gallery images. Besides, it allows inserting unlimited YouTube, Vimeo, and self-hosted videos to your variations product. 

Simple CSS changes

You can control the design of your website, from colors and fonts to button sizes and backgrounds, by applying CSS code. You don’t need any plugin for that; only some basic skills with CSS are enough for that.

Head to Appearance and click on Customize. Then navigate to Additional CSS from your dashboard. After that, make the following changes:

Change the font size of product titles

Use the code below to change the size of your product titles to 34px. You can replace the ‘’34’’ with your desired number you’d like:

.woocommerce div.product .product_title {

font-size: 34px;


Change the color of product titles

A hex code is a six-digit code that represents a specific color online. You can replace the code below to change your product title color to your desired hex code. Use the HTML color picker to get the code for any color you would like.

.woocommerce div.product .product_title


color: #FF5733;


Make variation labels bold

You can use the code below to display your variation titles in bold text.

.woocommerce div.product form.cart .variations label {

 font-weight: bold;


Italicize variation labels

You can use the code below to make your variation label in bold text.

.woocommerce div.product form.cart .variations label {

font-style: italic;


Change the buy now button colors

To change the background color of your Buy Now button, use the code below.

Use the HTML color picker to get the hex code for your desired color.

.woocommerce div.product .button {

background: #000000;


Start customizing your WooCommerce product page

The design of the WooCommerce product page and how you show your products can have a great impact on your conversion. So, start customizing it using the methods described in this guide.

Hopefully, it will make you stand out from the crowd. By using these methods, your shop page can be as unique as the products that the feature.






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