How To Easily Backup Your WooCommerce Store

Backup is equivalent to a lifeline for any WooCommerce store. People prefer not to take a backup but end up taking it anyway.

As the number of websites grows, frauds and scams become increasingly common. There’s a lot that may need to be corrected with an eCommerce store. From insecure checkout or a single bug can cause you thousands of dollars and customer value.

Have you imagined what would happen if your WooCommerce shop crashed or went offline unexpectedly?

Just think about the time, hard work, and dedication that went into creating and maintaining your eCommerce store. In addition, the loss of potential customers and revenue.

This guide will cover why you should back up your WooCommerce store and the methods to help you do it.

Why you should back up your WooCommerce site

You may lose sales every minute your online store goes off. Having a regular backup process ensures that you access the latest data. In case your website crashes, the backup data can be quickly restored.

A stat from Statica shows the average cost per hour of enterprise server downtime in 2020.

backup statistics

There are some common scenarios why you need a backup for your WooCommerce shop –

  • Hackers

Usually, hackers use malware attacks to get access to your eCommerce site. Such an attack can keep your website down for a while, and that’s enough to drive your customers.

  • Human error

Human error is one of the top reasons for unplanned downtime. In an eCommerce business, a mistake can cost you thousands of dollars, and this type of error can result in hours of unplanned downtime.

  • Traffic rush

Almost every eCommerce store owner experiences this issue. Usually, it happens in the festive seasons or when you have discounts or offers on your product.

  • Hosting issues

Cheap hosting services have limitations, and they compromise security. Many online store owners mistake opting for a cheaper hosting service even after they started making profits.

  • WooCommerce updates

WooCommerce regularly releases new updates and security patches. You could face incompatibilities between plugins, extensions, and even custom code. It is recommended by the WordPress team itself to always have your complete site backup before updating.

Methods to backup your WooCommerce store

Now that you know the importance of taking real-time backups for your WooCommerce store, it’s time to look at the best way.

There are different ways to backup your site, including –

  • Automated backup using WordPress plugins
  • Using the backup service of your web host
  • Take manual backups.

Let’s evaluate these methods in detail and decide which is best for your WooCommerce site.

     1. Backup using a WordPress plugin

Using a backup plugin is the easiest way to back up your website.  WordPress backup plugins offer an easy way to back up your WooCommerce shop.

Many plugins like UpdraftPlus, BackWPup, Duplicator, and All-in-one WP Migration have made it easy to manage backups. We’ll show the process using the UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup plugin for demonstration purposes.

Back up your WooCommerce site using the UpdraftPlus plugin

  • Head to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Navigate to Plugins Add New.
  • Install and Activate the UpdraftPlus plugin.

updraft plus backup

  • Now, the UpdraftPlus Backup option appears in Settings.

backup or restore

  • At this stage, you need to set your backup policies here.
  • The Settings tab lets you schedule file and database backup.
  • Once done, navigate to the Backup / Restore tab and click on Backup Now.

take a new backup

  • A pop-up will appear with a few options.
  • Select your desired option and click on Backup Now
  • You’ll see a progress bar. Wait for a few moments.

backup progress

Once the process is done, you can see your existing backups. After that, you can download, delete or restore your backup with a single click.

backup succeed

     2. Backup with the hosting provider

Most website hosting providers offer a backup and restore solution. You can check your web host service to see if this is free or chargeable. However, they usually offer only daily backups.

But finding a host that provides real-time backup would be challenging. When it comes to WooCommerce stores, you need a real-time backup.

We will show you how to back up a site using some best web hosting for demonstration purposes.

Backup with WPEngine

To access the Backup points page of WPEngine

  • Head to the User Portal
  • Select your desired environment name
  • Click on the Backup Points

 From this dashboard, you’ll be able to back up, restore, and download your backup files.

wpengine points

Backup with SiteGround

To access the SiteGround backup page-

  • Navigate to Site Tools
  • Click on the Backups under the Security menu
  • Fill in the backup name from Create & Restore tab
  • Hit the Create button and wait for a few minutes.

siteground host

Backup with DreamHost

 DreamHost provides one-click backups to all customers and automated daily backups for managed DreamPress plans.

 To access your backup as a DreamPress customer –

  • Head to your account
  • Select DreamPress from the WordPress drop-down in the sidebar
  • Find the domain you want to backup and click the Manage button.

dreamhost hosting

If you still have any issues, contact their support team for help.

Note: don’t forget to check whether the hosting provides a real-time backup. As we have discussed before, regular backups are not ideal for WooCommerce stores. 

     3. Backup your site manually

The manual process of website backup is not too complex, but it can be risky. Moreover, it is time-consuming and involves a lot of steps.

Still, if you want to backup manually, follow these typical steps:

  • Connect to your web server using an FTP tool and download all your files.
  • Create a backup of all your downloaded files in a destination folder.
  • Then create a backup of all your database files using the phpMyAdmin tool or the database management panel.

Manual backups may not be a practical solution if you manage multiple WooCommerce stores, as it can take a long time to create just one backup.

Note: You need to have the necessary technical knowledge and time in hand to perform manual backups.


Backing up your WooCommerce store can save you time and eliminate frustration.

A daily backup is sufficient for regular websites, though more is needed for a WooCommerce store. That’s why we recommend you create a full backup before making any major changes to your site.

Prevention is the best solution. Create a staging environment for your WooCommerce store to help you test any changes.


How to Enable Label, Image, Radio, and Color Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Products

The default feature of WooCommerce shows product variations as a drop-down list. It’s simple, but your customers won’t have a good overview of the products that they desire to buy.

This is how a product drop-down option appears on the default WooCommerce store –

variation dropdown

However, once attribute types for product attributes are selected using the Variation Swatches plugin, the front end of the product page will look like the following screenshot –

variation swatch outlook

Now, let’s get into enabling swatches for WooCommerce Variable Product Variations. It’s straightforward to configure. Three are two ways to install this plugin. We are going to describe both ways in this tutorial.

  1. Enable Variation Swatches on Existing Variable Products.
  2. Setup Variation Swatches for New Variable Products.

Suppose you don’t have any variable product created on your site. In that case, you can start from here –

❖     Enable Variation Swatches on Existing Variable Products

The great thing about the WooCommerce variable product is that it is as easy as it sounds. This setup process includes creating variable products and variation swatches simultaneously.

Setup Swatches Plugin:

It requires a simple WooCommerce plugin to enable color, label, image, and radio swatches. You can download the Variation Swatches plugin and upload or directly install it from your dashboard.

To install directly, follow the below steps:

  • Head to WordPress Dashboard and navigate to
  • After that, click the Add New
  • and search for Variation Swatches for WooCommerce.
  • Now install and activate the plugin.

install woo swatches

Once you successfully install and activate the plugin, you need to create global attributes. Before that, set up attributes before creating the variations for products.

Your products will be visible immediately. You can notice all your variable products, which have variations, are now turned into buttons. That’s because of installing the WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin.

This will be the look of your product page once the swatches plugin is installed – 

woocommerce button variation

You can change the product variation selection drop-down into color, button, image, and radio swatches. The Swatches technology turns product attribute select drop-down into beautiful swatches, as you have seen screenshot above.

Follow the below steps:

Please note that the WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin comes with four attribute types: Color, Image, Button, and Radio.

We have created Color, Size, and Style attributes for demonstration purposes.

create variation attribute

Now it’s time to edit the Color attribute type for the Color, Image for the Style look, and Button attribute type for the Size attribute.

Click on Edit to set the color attribute type to Color attribute.

edit attribute woocommerce

From the Type drop-down, select Color type, and press Update.

update woocommerce attribute

  • Get back to Attribute from the Products menu.
  • Edit Style attribute as like Color attribute.

update image attribute

Repeat the same steps for the Size attribute like Color and Image attributes.

After completing the attribute type selection, return to the attribute list page. You’ll notice that the attribute list looks like the following screenshot. 

attribute list woocommerce

Variations for the Size attribute now look fine, but variations for a Color attribute need to be defined colors, and variations for the Style attribute need to add images.

attribute variation

Continue to the next steps-

Editing Variations:

To define colors as variations inside the Color attribute –

  • Head over to Attributes under the Products section.
  • Select Configure terms from the Color attribute.

configure term

From the color-picker, you can add your desired color. An alternate way is to type the HEX value for the color.

  • For Pattern, three variations are listed here: Blue, Green, and Red.
  • Edit each variation one by one to add variation color.
  • For demonstration purposes, we are editing the blue color variation here.
  • Edit link for Blue variation.

edit attribute

  • Select desired color from Color-Picker from the variation edit panel.
  • After that, update the changes by clicking on the Update button.

woocommerce color picker

When all color variations are updated successfully, the front end will look like the following.

color variation updated

  • After updating Color attribute variations, now edit the Style attribute by selecting Configure terms like pattern attribute,
  • Again press the Configure terms for style, and a list of Style terms comes up, like Color.

Edit each variation to insert image variation. For demonstration purposes, we are showing an Edit link for the Basic Half Sleeve attribute.

  • Upload your desired variation image from Upload / Add Image from the variation edit panel.
  • After that, save the changes by pressing the Update button.

configure term

Now check the view of your product front-end. After updating images for all variations, the front-end would like the following screenshot.

all variation as swatch woocommerce

There are options for styling swatches such as rounded or squared attribute variation swatches shape style as well.

❖     Set up Variation Swatches for new variable products

Step 01: Create Global Attributes and Variations:

Once you successfully install and activate the plugin, you need to create global attributes. But, the first setup attributes before creating the variations for products.

Follow the below steps:

  • Choose ‘Attributes’ in the left menu bar under the ‘Products’ section.
  • Add the title of the attribute in the ‘Name’ field.
  • The slug field is optional.
  • Enter the corresponding attribute type from the Type drop-down.
  • Click on the ‘Add attribute’ button to finalize the changes.

add attribute woocommerce

Once color, image, and button attributes are created successfully, you can see new attributes are now listed in the table to the right.

edit attribute

Step 2: Add specific values of an attribute:

To create variations for each attribute, select Configure terms links for attribute types.

Steps to create variations for Color attributes

  • Select Configure terms links for Color type to create variations for Color attributes.

configure terms

  • There will be a ‘Add new Color’ form.
  • Add each color you sell clothing in (such as red, blue, or green)
  • Keep adding new colors for each term by clicking the ‘Add new Color’ button.
  • Add your desired color from the color picker. 
  • An alternate way is to type the HEX value for the color.

color picker woocommerce

You can add as many colors as you need. We have created blue, green, and red color variations for demonstration purposes for color attributes.

choose color variation

Steps to create variations for Image attributes

  • Select Configure terms links for Image type to create variations for Image attributes.
  • Click on the Upload / Add image button to add images. Add each image you sell clothing in.
  • There is an option to upload the desired variation image, image size, tooltip option, etc.
  • Click the ‘Add new Style button once done.

edit image attribute

Here, we have added three different image variations (Half Sleeve, Full Sleeve, and Polo Collar) to show you an example. 

image variation

Repeat the same steps for the Size attribute like Color and Image attributes.

Step 04: Display Swatches on Variable Product Page

  • Now, you have to enable swatches on the variable product page.
  • Go to ‘Products’ from the left menu bar. 
  • Scroll down to the ‘Product data’ section.
  • Select ‘Variable product’ from the ‘Product data’ drop-down section.

variable product

  • Head to the ‘Attribute’ tab.
  • A list of attributes you have created for your products will be visible here.
  • add custom product attribute from the list.
  • All globally created attributes will appear here.

We are going to add all attributes one by one. 

add attribute woocommerce

Add Color, Image, and Label attributes by clicking the Add button.

  • Click on the Select All button from each attribute setting to add all its available variations. 
  • Don’t forget to check both ‘Visible on the product page’ and ‘Used for variations.’
  • Then press Save attributes.

add custom product

Step 5: Add variations to your product

  • Right below the Attributes, head to the ‘Variations’ section 
  • Select your desired option from the drop-down list.
  • Press the Go button.

Here, it’ll add all available variations combinations for created attributes.

add variation

Step 6: Customize the rest of the settings. 

  • Expand the variations tab.
  • This allows you to add different information for each variation.
  • There are options to upload an image, add the price, stock status, and more.
  • But it’s mandatory to set a price for variation.
  • Add price and variation image for individual variation.
  • To finalize the changes, click on the Save changes button. 

save changes

Once you have completed all the required steps, check the view of your product page.

See how it turns the product attribute select drop-down looks by adding a label, image, and color swatches.

all variation swatches

Rather than a generic drop-down, let your customers click on the visual representation for each product variation.

➔     Enable Radio Variation Swatches

A radio button is a quicker way for the user to scan all the options and choose one. This feature helps you to have a better UX in your WooCommerce site.

The option for radio buttons now comes with the free version of WooCommerce Variation Swatches.

The radio swatches feature was a premium version of the WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin before.

Now, let’s start with how you can enable radio variation swatches.

You can create attribute variations for your WooCommerce products. There is an option to edit existing variations as well.

  • Head to ‘Attributes’ under the ‘Products’ section.
  • Fill in the ‘Name’ field, and the slug is optional. (For demonstration purposes, we have termed the attribute name as Brand).
  • Select your attribute type as ‘Radio‘ from the ‘Type‘ drop-down menu.
  • After that, click on the Add attribute button.

add new attribute

Once you have added attributes for Radio, click on the ‘Configure terms’ from the attribute list to create product variations.     

configure term woocommerce

Keep adding new attributes to each term by clicking the Add new button.

add attribute

For demonstration purposes, we have added three brand names; Nautica, Supreme, and Hilfiger.

all attribute

You need to complete the rest of the settings at this stage, as shown above.

Once all the required steps are completed, check your product front-end’s view.

That’s how your customers can view all the possibilities without having to scroll through a drop-down list.

dropdown to swatch

➔     Wait! Still more to come

A pro version of the WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin is available, with many more effective features.

The premium version of this swatches plugin does a wonderful job. Let’s check out some of its amazing features.

As you have already installed the free version of the WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin, now it’s time to install the pro version. 

Note: the premium version of this plugin is the extension of WooCommerce Variation Swatches. 

Once the pro plugin is installed and activated, you have to follow the below steps:

➔     Enable Swatches on Shop/Archive Page With Add To Cart Button

You can show entire attributes on the single product page or all selected attributes on the shop page. It’s a premium feature of the WooCommerce Variation Swatch plugin.  

Steps to enable image, color, label, and radio swatches on the store page:

  • Navigate to Swatches 
  • Click on the Archive/ Shop tab.
  • You’ll get Show swatches on the archive/shop page option.
  • Enable and save your settings.

You can enable Swatches before and after the add to cart button and set Swatches to align from the same page.

archive or shop setting

It’s time to check the outcome on your shop page. When desired options from the available product are selected, it’ll appear like the following screenshot on the shop page.

swatches on shop page

➔    Blur/ Cross Sign/ Hide of Stock Product Variation Swatches

You need to avoid user frustration by never letting them pick a product they can’t purchase. By default, WooCommerce doesn’t blur or cross any out-of-stock variations. It’s a premium version of this WooCommerce Variation Swatch plugin. 

  • Navigate to Swatches.
  • Click on the Advanced tab.
  • Select your desired option from Attribute behavior.
  • Click on the Save Changes button. 

Now you can check your product. It’ll show as out of stock on the shop page as well as the product page. 

all variation swatches


Final Words

There is no doubt that select drop-downs for variable products are no longer preferred. Variation swatch features will bring a real-time shopping experience. 

Adding the variation swatches features to your WooCommerce site will attract more customers and increase your revenue. Many other sales-boosting features come with this plugin, which is very straightforward.



10+ Best Variation Swatches Plugin for WooCommerce

Are you trying to find an excellent way to improve customers’ shopping experience in your WooCommerce store?

When you are running an online store, it’s obvious you want to provide the best experience to your website users. To increase user experience, one of the best methods you can apply is using variation swatches.

On the other hand, viewing multiple variations of a product is very important while browsing for products.

The good thing is, product variables are available in WooCommerce. But, you need to install WooCommerce Variation Swatches if you want to expand with other attributes.

In this article, we will discuss some top and best Variation Swatches plugin for WooCommerce.

Let’s get started.

Best WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin

There are so many WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin you will find on the WordPress repository. Each plugin mentioned in this article is popular among WooCommerce users.

1. WooCommerce Variation Swatches (GetWooPlugins)

best woocommerce swatches plugin
WooCommerce Variation Swatches
Active Installation Total Downloads No. of Ratings Price for Single Site
2,00,000+ 2,996,999+ 500+ $49

The best plugin we have on our list is WooCommerce Variation Swatches by GetWooPlugins. This swatch plugin lets you display multiple variations of your products in your online store.

It is considered one of the most functional plugins allowing store owners to display products with multiple options. Such as colors, labels and radio buttons, and image swatches.

The plugin can remove unnecessary clicks from the user’s end by displaying swatches in images. You can show the variation swatches in your store’s product catalog and archive pages.

Additionally, it supports the quick view features by allowing customers to have a quick view of your product without going to the product page.

If you are using WooCommerce themes that offer a quick view option, you don’t need to hassle with loading color and image swatches for variable product attribute in a quick view separately.

This Variation Swatches plugin is compatible with major themes in the market, including OceanWP, Flatsome, Divi, and 100k more themes.

Moreover, you can change the shape style to Rounded or Squared. It allows you to write your CSS to maximize and personalize your variations based on your requirement.

The plugin comes with both free and paid versions.


2. Color and Image Swatches (Phoenixx)

Active Installation Total Downloads No. of Ratings Price for Single Site
4,000+ 85,284+ 19 $39

It is another best WooCommerce plugin for showing variable product attributes. You can choose between color and image swatches for your product variations.

The plugin’s premium version offers lots of features to your online store. It lets you choose between show tooltips, the swatch type, customizing the stylish, and a lot more.

You can also get the option to change the swatch shape style between a circle and a circle. It allows you to create unlimited color and image swatches.

3. Variation Swatches for WooCommerce (ThemeHigh)

variation swatch
Active Installation Total Downloads No. of Ratings Price for Single Site
2,000+ 18,867+ 10 $39

Standing in the fourth position is the Variation Swatches plugin built by ThemeHigh. It lets you add swatches for variable product attributes in your WooCommerce store.

This plugin comes with different styling options like color, label, and text. You can add swatches for locally and globally added terms.  Also, it allows you to give more control over how your variation swatches look.

Moreover, it lets you show the product attribute as radio buttons and provide individual settings to override the global swatches settings.

4. Smart Variation Swatches for WooCommerce (aThemeArt)

woocommerce swatch
Active Installation Total Downloads No. of Ratings Price for Single Site
4,000+ 58,216+ 07 $15

When you want to provide more options to your customers for displaying products with swatches, this plugin is handy.

It has some fantastic features in optimizing WooCommerce product variations. Moreover, it enables to show buttons, image, and color swatches on an attribute management page with a friendly environment.

More feature of this plugin includes catalog, assigning image across different products, disabling thumbnails, etc.

5. XT WooCommerce Variation Swatches (by XploadedTheme)

best swatch
Active Installation Total Downloads No. of Ratings Price for Single Site
1,000+ 7,120+ 03 $15

XT Woo Variation swatches is another swatch that transforms variation drop-down into beautiful image, label, and color swatches.

Image swatches will automatically be applied for variation color attributes that have an image. The plugin offers a professional and aesthetic experience to select attributes for variation products. The

XT WooCommerce Swatches plugin also enables color, image label swatches within the catalog page, and quick-view models.

6. WPC Variations Radio Buttons for WooCommerce (WPClever)

best woocommece
Active Installation Total Downloads No. of Ratings Price for Single Site
5,000+ 58,356+ 12 $29

WPC Variations Radio Buttons for WooCommerce plugin replaces standard WooCommerce variable products template with radio buttons.

For choosing an option from variable products, customers don’t have to browse from the drop-down list or click on each option to attain product information.

All variations and all attributes will be shown on one screen by adding radio buttons. Hence, it will take much less effort for visitors to make decisions.  

7. C4D Woo Variation Images (by Coffee4Dev)

Active Installation Total Downloads No. of Ratings Price for Single Site
600+ 16,986+ 09 $29

C4D WooCommerce Variation Images plugin is easy to use WooCommerce product variation plugin for images.

You can show product variation items in images, color, and label with the help of this plugin. Also, you can create a gallery for each attribute value. It will be easy for your customer to select the product. 

Moreover, you can select Nav thumbnail direction like horizontal or vertical. The thumbnail size and margin can also be changed.

8. GS Variation Swatches for WooCommerce (by GS Plugnis)

Active Installation Total Downloads No. of Ratings Price for Single Site
300+ 12,369+ 06 $49

GS WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin is a simple-to-use WooCommerce product variation swatches plugin.

The plugin offers color, image, and label attributes in a single WooCommerce product. Besides, it allows you to enable them in product quick view.

Moreover, this plugin features a flexible tooltip insert and display settings. It allows you to have rich tooltips on variation swatch hover.

Active Installation Total Downloads No. of Ratings Price for Single Site
300+ 12,369+ 06 $49

9. Premmerce Variation Swatches for WooCommerce (by Premmerce)

Active Installation Total Downloads No. of Ratings Price for Single Site
600+ 10,556+ 01 $49.99

Premmerce Variation Swatches plugin extends standard features of the WooCommerce attributes and variations.

The plugin has the option to highlight the main attributes and display them on the product category page. There is an option to add a product variation to the shopping cart directly instead of going to the product page.

Additionally, the plugin has a unique feature that lets you add a description to the attribute.


10. WooCommerce Variation Swatches (PluginEver)

Active Installation Total Downloads No. of Ratings Price for Single Site
400+ 3,300+ 04 No pro version

WooCommerce Variation Swatches will allow you to change the default dropdown fields for variable products offered by WooCommerce.

You can choose attributes like colors, images, buttons, and radio for variations of products. The features of this plugin will help customers observe and find products more efficiently.

Besides, the plugin makes your site becomes attractive. It is simple for your shoppers to select products.

Wrapping up

In this context, we have listed the top five WooCommerce Variation Swatches for WooCommerce based on the active installation, no. of downloads, features, ratings, etc.

In terms of features, the WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin by GetWooPlugins comes with everything you would need to show variation swatches in your online store.

Besides, it has attractive customer feedback and world-class customer support.

However, you can settle for any of the best WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugins lined up on the list.

How To Setup 2Checkout Payment Gateway For WooCommerce

Are you looking for a tool to help your customers pay for your products quickly, as well as save your time when you receive it?

For any online shop, it is absolutely necessary to make the payments process easier for customers. But if your customers are from other countries, it could be much more difficult.

You need to get help from a tool to do this task. By using a 2Checkout plugin, you will be able to accept payments easily.

A 2Checkout plugin is a necessary tool for any online store, business site, or local shop. It allows you to accept payments from any buyers around the world at any time.

Customers can avoid low rates and hidden fees when they process credit card and PayPal payments using 2Checkout.  

Moreover, it has support for mixed checkout that allows subscriptions and products to be purchased in a single transaction.

If you prefer text over video, here is a step by step video tutorial to setup WooCommerce 2Checkout payment gateway –

Setup 2Checkout for WooCommerce

Navigate to Add New under Plugins on your WP admin dashboard.

You can follow this guide to get help on how to install a WordPress plugin.

2checkout woocommerce

Once you have installed and activated the 2Checkout plugins, you need to enable it from settings.

To enable 2 Checkout plugin, navigate to Payments from Settings under WooCommerce, and enable the button from the 2Checkout payment method.

2checkout settings

Create a 2Checkout account

Creating a 2Checkout account is straightforward. Just head to the signup page from the given link.

Fill your name, email address, password, website, country, and click on the Get Started button.

signup for 2checkout

After that, it will provide options where you need to select what type of products you want to sell with 2Checkout.

create 2checkout account

Select your purpose and click the Create Account button. For demonstration purposes, I have selected Retail / Physical products.

Your 2Checkout account has been created successfully. Now press Login To MY Account button to access your dashboard.

Enter the login credentials that you used for sign up 2Checkout account and a press Login button.

sign in for 2 checkout

Then you will be redirected to your 2Checkout dashboard.

2checkout dashboard

Link your Store details with 2Checkout

Make sure you have logged in to 2Checkout before connecting your store with 2 Checkout.

 Step 01: Head to the plugin settings page.

Navigate to Installed Plugins from Plugins option. Then click on Settings under 2Checkout for the WooCommerce plugin.

Step 02: Setting IPN URL

Copy the Webhook endpoint URL from the setting page.

setting 2checkout ipn

Click on the 2 Checkout IPN Settings page from the given link. You will also find the setting from the Integrations option on the 2Checkout dashboard.

Click on the Add IPN URL button from IPN settings.

ipn settings

Paste the URL that you have copied and click on the Add IPN button.

Once you have successfully added, the link will be appearing in the URL list.

Step 03: Add Merchant Code

To add Merchant Code, head to the API Section from Webhooks & API under Integrations. Then copy the Merchant code from the indicated field.

Get back to the plugins settings page and paste the code that you have copied in the merchant code field.

Step 04: Add Secret Key

To add Secret Code, head to the API Section from Webhooks & API under Integrations. Then copy the Secret code from the indicated field.

Get back to the plugins settings page and paste the code in the secret code field that you have copied.

Step 05: Add Buy Link Secret Word

To add the Buy Link Secret Code, head to the API Section from Webhooks & API under Integrations. Then copy the Secret code from the indicated field.

Get back to the plugins settings page and paste the code in the buy add secret code field that you have copied.

Make sure you click on the Save changes button after filling out Merchant code, Secret key, and Secret word filed.

Required IPN Settings

General IPN Settings

Head to IPN settings from Webhooks & API from Integrations. Make sure you have selected the following settings.

IPN settings for 2Checkout

Response Tag

On the same page, you will find Response tags options. Make sure all settings are selected in the Response tag settings.

You can click on the Select all button if settings are not selected. Press the Update button once done.

Response tag for WooCommerce


If you don’t find any required settings, you can contact 2Checkout support directly.

troubleshoot for 2checkout plugin

As mentioned above, 2Checkout has lots of benefits. It has become a vital and first choice for companies with only a few thousand dollars in monthly sales. Those want to get around some of the laws that the merchants might encounter in developing economies.

10+ Tips To Grow Your WooCommerce Store Sales

According to a report by eMarketer, global retail eCommerce sales were expected to reach more than $4 trillion by 2020.

The industry surged substantially greater as compared to the estimates projected in the post-Covid world.

Why should you care about these estimates? Because it will make complete sense to your decision to improve your online business. 

There are lots of options to choose from to operate your eCommerce business. We strongly recommended WooCommere for your online store.

Together with WordPress, WooCommerce puts a range of excellent tools at your fingerprints. It allows you to sell your products and services in a way that’s right for you.

Useful WooCommerce tips

This article will take you through a few tips that you can use to make shopping a pleasure for your customers. Also, it will help you to keep your site running smoothly and grow your sales.

Use well-optimized product images

Using great images of your products is an essential step towards getting your customers to browse through and eventually buy from your store. 

Moreover, product images need to be high quality and as small as possible to load quickly. A customer waiting a long time for a product image to load may get impatient and move on to the next store.

High-quality product images are a must for your store. But you also need to make sure you avoid slowing down your store’s load times with an optimized image. It is best to compress the images before you upload them to your WooCommerce store.

Optimizing your product images will give you an SEO boost and increase your organic traffic coming from Google Images. 

Create product videos

Product images are helpful, but videos are even better. Today, the internet is all about videos, and it’s the latest trend in the eCommerce industry.

The biggest drawback of purchasing an online product is the customers being unable to touch or feel it. However, you can accurately and comprehensively show the details of the product. It gives the shopper better clarity than the images.

Product videos help to build trust in your brand as a whole. It reflects the intentions of a seller. The best thing about product videos is that you can make a video once and then. Promote on several platforms.

Add multiple images per product variations

You might have already noticed that WooCommerce comes with a basic option to insert a single image per product variation. That means there are no options to add more than a single variation image.

By displaying additional images for product attribute variation, you are giving a boost to your WooCommerce store.  It helps customers to compare a particular product from multiple options. 

WooCommerce doesn’t allow you to add additional variation images for your variable products by default. However, you can do it with the Additional Variation Image Gallery for Plugin. The plugin allows you to include multiple variation images to your WooCommerce store. 

When you provide the option to choose from additional images, there are more chances to take extra advantages ahead of your competitors.

Optimize checkout page

The checkout page is the last thing shoppers see before making their purchases. It can make the difference between whether they end up abandoning or converting your product. 

It’s necessary for you to make sure that your WooCommerce checkout page is designed well and functions in a way that encourages conversions. 

Besides, secure checkout is also vital in delivering a great shopping experience. You want to be able to let your customers know that their billing and contact information is safe. 

We recommend using a plugin if you want a quick and simple way to customize the WooCommerce checkout fields. It’s a good practice to let users adjust the quantity and delete items from the checkout page.

Enable swatches instead of product drop-down 

Swatches give an alternate way to show the selection of choices for products with multiple variations. Customers can easily make their choice by clicking a swatch instead of choosing an option from a drop-down list. It’s visually appealing and improves user experience. 

When you want to present product variations, smartly showing swatches is one of the powerful options you can use. Your website visitors can quickly select their desired variation without pressing any extra click. It’s less hassle for them, and at the same time, it saves their valuable time.

We highly recommend you use this Variation Swatches for the WooCommerce plugin.  It has all the swatches features that you want for your WooCommerce shop. After using this plugin, you’ll understand how beneficial it can be for your online store. 

Clear product description

You need to write a product description that describes what you are selling and connects with your customers on an emotional level. 

The statistics show why a product description is so important – 

Your product descriptions should be practical and dynamic to engage customers. A great product description clearly states the benefits and value of the product. Moreover, it tells a story and presents the product as a solution. 

We don’t recommend you copy the product description from the manufacturer. If your competitors do this, you will face a duplicate content issue with your search engine rankings.

What makes a product description great will vary based on the type of product you are selling and the audience and industry. 

Focus on store SEO

There are many ways to drive more traffic to your WooCommerce store. But, Search Engine Optimization is one of the most effective ways to do it. SEO is one of the most effective practices for generating more traffic. 

Research from ‘Bright Edge’ shows that 53% of website traffic comes from organic search –

The best way to make sure you aren’t missing out on those potential visitors is through ongoing SEO efforts.

It doesn’t matter how attractive your WooCommerce store is or how much hard work you are putting into it unless your site ranks in search engines. That’s only possible when you receive good SEO guidance. 

WooCommerce SEO is a continuous process, and you need to focus on it to see your store’s growth in search engine traffic and sales. You can use SEO plugins to further improve your WooCommerce store. 

Return and Refund policy

This tip relates to all eCommerce stores in general, including WooCommerce stores. An exchange and refund policy is the first thing that most shoppers check before purchasing from an online store.

A well-written return policy means that customers at your shop can feel easy about their purchases. Additionally, it helps you build a strong customer relationship and improve the overall growth of your WooCommerce store.

Refund or return requests are sort of unavoidable in eCommerce. However, you can reduce the number of refunds and exchanges in your store. For that, you need to make a policy that is simple, convincing, and fair to the buyers.  

Offer deals and discounts

So, speaking about discounts and coupons in WooCommerce, they should be called ‘sales boosters’ already. It is probably the best solution every shopper seeks out when they want to increase sales volume.  

Discounts are great for getting both existing and new customers in the door and through the checkout page. Create discounts, offers, market them through newsletters and social media, and see how your sales go through the roof.

WooCommerce itself provides an option to create basic discounts. You can set the regular price and sale price of a product. The sale price shows up in the place of regular price where the latter is seen struck out.

Live chat support

Customers are the king, and customer support is the key to success for any online store. Live chat support serves multiple benefits on a WooCommerce store.

You can easily solve simple issues quickly in any scenario, your customers have to wait a specific time for your response through when having a live chat window. 

Many new store visitors would be happy to use the live chat option to understand more about your products. Moreover, many live chat extensions help you monitor user activity on your website. That will help you to design targeted marketing approaches for your store. 

Final words

Due to Covid, the next couple of months or even years will be pretty challenging for many businesses. More people will be shopping online.

If you implement the tips and tactics we have discussed above, you can make your WooCommerce store more effective. It will help you to attract more customers and increase your revenue.

Feel free to share your thoughts about what else could be done on a WooCommerce site. Also, share your own experience about implementing these mentioned tips.

7+ Useful Ways To Speed Up Your WooCommerce Store

Starting a WooCommerce store is straightforward. You need to purchase a domain, get the hosting, and add the WooCommerce plugin to your WordPress site.

That’s quite simple. It is one of the reasons why WooCommerce is often preferred over other eCommerce platforms. 

However, a store has to be fast and an excellent experience for the visitors to drive more sales.

In this article, we will discuss several ways to speed up your WooCommerce store.

Why speed matters for WooCommerce stores

Before diving into the steps of how to speed up a WooCommerce store, it’s essential to understand why performance is so crucial.

The top reason is user experience. It determines the success or failure of the online business. Your potential customers expect your online shop to load quickly.

Moreover, it should be easier to navigate and perform specific actions like -product search, update cart, and checkout process.

The site visitors do not have the patience for the slow-loading shopping experience. They like to abandon for a better alternative store quickly.

Google’s benchmark for the mobile speed shows, the probability of a visitor leaving a website is as follows:


That’s why it is essential to speed up your WooCommerce store to attract new customers and to retain the existing ones.

How to measure the loading speed

You have learned that your WooCommerce store’s speed is crucial in your eCommerce conversion. The next step is to find out what is causing a slow website.

A website speed test will help you analyze how slow or fast your site loads. Also, it will identify any possible bottlenecks that are causing poor performance—for example, connection data rate and latency.

There are several ways to run a site speed test for the WooCommerce store. We recommend some tools like Pingdom, Webpagetest, GTmetrix, and PageSpeedInsights. These tools will help you get multiple performance metrics of your site.

Apart from the front page, make sure to test all the main pages of your website. It’s a common mistake that many users only test the mostly static front page.

Effective ways to speed up WooCommerce store

Depending on the speed test results you have uncovered, it’s time to optimize your slow WooCommere website.

In most cases, you can fix a slow WooCommercce store by checking a few key things. Let’s take a look at the below tips:

1. Get a quality hosting provider

The hosting service is the foundation of the website as it handles all traffic and relevant data. Low-quality service may damage your WooCommerce store performance.

Though, web hosting is not a primary concern in the earliest stage of a store’s life. However, you’ll need to pay attention depending on your site traffic and transactions.

A WooCommerce store needs a hosting provider that offers – maximum uptime without any interruptions. You need excellent hosting service if you want your pages to load fast.

2. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

The integration of a CDN into your site is one of the easiest ways to improve web performance.

A Content Delivery Network is a network of servers located all over the world. The goal of CDN is to store static files of your WooCommerce website like JavaScript, images, and CSS.

It is useful when your targeted customers are spread in different countries. The process helps you to boost your store performance. The closer your customer is to a server, the faster your site will load on their browser.

3. Use a Cache plugin

Caching is essential because it reduces your WordPress hosting servers’ load and makes your site run faster.

By caching, a version of the WooCommerce store’s resource is stored on the visitor’s device. It reduces the amount of data sent between the visitor’s browsers, the server and, the site database. Hence, it speeds up the process.

But, caching plugins improve your site’s loading speed when it’s configured correctly. If they are not set up correctly, then the plugins are very often problematic. 

4. Compress product images

High-quality images are essential for a website, possibly even more for any online store, especially when showcasing galleries and carousels to your visitors.

But, high-quality images generally mean larger file sizes, and larger file sizes can make your WooCommerce store slow. Many store owners make the mistake of using un-optimized pictures that severely impact the performance.

A good practice is to reduce the size of the image to deal with such a situation. You can use WooCommerce image compression tools. If you are familiar with photo editing software, you can optimize your images using one of them.

5. Clean the database

During the life of your WooCommerce store, your database is going through a lot of information such as – products, orders, settings, etc.

That’s not a big deal in the beginning. However, after few months of existence on the web, loading times could be slow due to database issues. The size of your database can affect your WooCommerce site performance.

In that situation, you’ll need to do some clean-up. You can do the task manually using your cPanel. There are a couple of plugins as well that makes the optimization process much more manageable.

6. Increase WordPress memory limit

The WordPress memory limit is the maximum amount of memory (RAM) that your site can use at a time. You will encounter a fatal error when your site reaches the allocated memory limit.

By default, the memory limit is 32MB for WordPress. This limit might be enough for any small WooCommerce stores with a limited number of visitors and plugins. 

However, increasing your memory limit would be a wise action to take if you need to install a fully functional theme and an extensive list of custom plugins.

You can use the following steps to configure the WordPress memory limit:

Method 1: using the wp-config.php file

  • Find your wp-config.php file in the root directory of your WP installation.
  • Open the wp-config.php file with a text editor. Then locate the line that includes – define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);
  • Add the line of code – define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, 256M’);
  • Save the changes.

Method 2: using the php.ini file

  • Open your php.ini file and then edit using your favorite editor.
  • If your line shows 64M, try 256M: memory_limit=256M.

The maximum amount of memory a script may consume is 64MB.

7. Choose lightweight theme

Selecting a theme isn’t easy, especially for beginners who discover WordPress. In many cases, the aesthetic decision of a website is on the designers’ end who doesn’t care about the page load speed.

There are many themes available where developers inject much code into pages to achieve a specific layout. It’s a best practice to check out your theme is well coded and following WordPress standards.

8. Choose the right plugin

Performance issues are sometimes related to plugin loads. As the plugins are developed independently, you have little control over their quality. A poorly-developed plugin may eat up too much memory.

To check if a plugin is making your store slow, you can deactivate all the installed plugins. After that, reactivate each one by one until you find a potential cause.

Please read this linked guide; it will help you make the right decision on choosing the right plugin.

Time to fix

In this article, we have discussed some common issues that make a WooCommerce site slow. Also, we have covered some practical ways to speed up your online shop.

Now, it’s time to fix these issues on your side. If you find this post helpful, please comment below about which technique worked for your WooCommerce store.

How To Choose The Right Plugin For Your WordPress WooCommerce Website

WordPress is one of the most popular blogging platforms today. It is powering millions of sites. The ability to customize WordPress with themes and plugins extensively makes it the most popular CMS.

Extensions make incredible things possible with WordPress and can take your WooCommerce powered store to new heights. It allows you to add new features and grow your online business.

On the other hand, plugins can be problematic. There are tons of free and premium plugins that you can use. But, not all of them are good. It can be difficult for you to choose which plugins are suitable for your website with so many options.

Moreover, a rogue update, an incompatibility between two extensions, an untested bit of code can make your fully functional website completely inoperable.

But, how do you choose the right plugin for your WooCommerce store?

You should evaluate it against a list of pre-established criteria before installing a plugin. This evaluation doesn’t have to take long, and you can set your own criteria.

In this guide, we will share a few things that will help you make the right decision when it comes to choosing a plugin.

Before we get started, learn why it matters to evaluate a plugin before installation.

Why evaluation matters

There are over 58K+ free plugins available on the WordPress plugin directory. Also, plenty of other premium plugins you will find on other platform.

You have little control over its quality because the plugins are developed independently.

Sometimes you might face common issues such as poor development, incompatibility with your WordPress version, lack of support, and compatibility issue with other themes and plugins.

  • Causing 500 errors
  • Crushing the website
  • Taking too much memory
  • Making the site unresponsive

Some of the common issues encountered while using such plugins are:

That’s why it is vital to make the proper evaluation when it comes to choosing a plugin.

You can test some common environments—for example, WooCommerce with the latest WordPress version and a popular caching plugin.

Choose the right WordPress WooCommerce plugin

We will show you some simple ways to choose the right WordPress WooCommerce plugin for your store.

Examine your need

At this stage, ask yourself if it’s essential to install the plugin.

Before choosing any plugin, it is best to create a list of features and functionalities your site currently needs.

For example, you may want a plugin that focuses on SEO performance if you have launched your site recently. You may also want a contact form plugin that does a lot of heavy lifting.

If you have had your WooCommerce site for a while, you may have already noticed the features that would make your store better to improve sale.

Note: This list aims to focus on what is your top priority instead of installing tons of plugins that are not helpful for your site.

To get plugins from WordPress repository, head to the site and search from the Plugins tab.

wordpress plugins

Verify its legitimacy

The popularity of WordPress plugins has overgrown. The nature of an open-source platform allows anyone to create a plugin and publish it.

The WordPress plugin directory is a great place to search for your desired plugin.

For example, you sell variable products on your WooCommerce shop. You can simply search with the keyword ‘variations.’

variations plugin

Though free plugins hosted on the WordPress repository have to be reviewed, tested, and then approved. But this standard is not necessarily upheld by some independent developers.

That’s why you need to explore further. Such as finding details, reviews, support, installation, development information. A simple search will help you get a detailed overview of what the plugin does and how it can be helpful for your site.

If it’s a premium plugin, you’ll need to do a little more fact-checking. By doing a Google search, you can find reviews of individual plugins and can learn more about them.

There are lots of opinion blogs review on plugins. So it will also help you to find valuable information or feedback in their comment section.

Ratings and User Reviews

The easiest way to choose the right plugin is to investigate the plugin by checking the user rating. You can find these ratings under the Details tab of every plugin description page within the plugin repository.

plugin ratings

We highly recommend you to stay away from the plugins that don’t even have an at least average of 4 stars.

It is best to use a plugin with a rating of 4 and above. However, you’ve got to be careful if a plugin is rated five but just a single user rating.

Before installing a plugin, we recommend reading a handful of the most recent highest and lowest review ratings to get a taste of the plugin.

You can find reviews on the Reviews tab, located below the Download button.

variation swatch plugin

Check when the plugin was updated

One of the easiest ways to guard against security is to look at when the plugin was updated. It’s less likely to be secure when its developer doesn’t regularly update a plugin.

A plugins should ideally be updated in line with WordPress major updates to ensure it’s compatibility. Moreover, the consistency and regularity of updates is also an excellent way to gauge the plugin developer’s level of active involvement.

The best practice is to choose plugins frequently updated, at least within the past one or two months. Also, check if it’s operating on the latest WordPress version.

The WordPress repository show exactly when a plugin was last updated on the description page.

woocommerce swatch plugin

Plugin compatibility check

It’s also wise to check the plugin’s compatibility with your version of WordPress before installing anything.

Once again, head to the plugin description page. Here you can see which versions of WordPress can run the plugin:

swatches plugin

Plugins that are not compatible with your WordPress version may stop existing plugins from functioning. In the worst-case scenario, they can even crash your website.

That’s why we strongly advise you to pay close attention to the compatibility issue.

To check which WordPress version you are running, head to the dashboard on your WordPress backend. After that, scroll to the bottom right corner of the page.


The same way you can check the WooCommerce version you are using, navigate to the WooCommerce menu. Then click on the Status from the drop-down list.

plugin version

Note: Look out on the WordPress repository, if there is a warning at the top of the screen saying ‘this plugin has not been tested with your current version of WordPress.’


Check out the changelog

The changelog will let you know what features are added with each update.

Generally, a lot of progress in the changelog means the plugin developer is actively trying to make the plugin better.

WordPress provides a log of all previous updates under the Development tab. Here you can exactly see what the developer has been up to since the plugin’s initial release:

plugin changelog

Track down support

Is your plugin looking good so far? Great! If the answer is yes.

But who will you turn to if you have a problem with it?

That’s why you need to check if there is a way to contact. If the plugin is hosted on the WordPress repository, you can check out the support forum there.

All plugins on the WordPress plugin repository have a support forum within the Support tab:

plugin support

It’s a good sign if you can spot regular activity within those forums. That means the developer is actively working to solve user issues.

You can also check out their website for further detail about support. Many developers handle plugin support externally. They aren’t a fan of the support system.

Besides, check what kind of documentation they offer. The FAQ tab is an excellent place to do your search:


Test it out

We assume you have followed all the tips and got your desire plugin for your WooCommerce store.

Now it’s time for you to go ahead and install it. You need to test if the plugin best suits your requirements. Usability test is essential as well. 

It’s probably the best way to test them out in a staging environment. Create a staging site to install, deploy, and test the plugin before adding it to your live WooCommerce store.

Final Words

Choosing the right plugins for your WordPress WooCommerce website is crucial for you. It involves a bit of research and consideration to choose the right plugin.

Have you applied any further inspections to plugins before you install them? If yes, please let us know in the comments section below.

How To Customize Your WooCommerce Product Page

Do you want your WooCommerce product page to grab more visitor’s attention and convert them into potential customers?

If yes, then check the best practices to customize your WooCommece product page design for your online store.

A product page is one of the most important pages in your eCommerce store. With the increase in the number of online buyers, most store owners have started to focus on producing product-specific product pages.

The best part is to create a product page that makes the buying process easier and quicker, which directly improves customer experience.

In this article, we will write on how you can customize WooCommerce product page design to attract more consumers.

We will also help you determine different features to add to make it more attractive and practical.

Customizing the WooCommerce product page

The default WooCommer product pages are functional and an excellent fit for many online stores. The product has a crucial role to play, as it’s one of the essential pages in the WooCommerce store.

Yet, the default page doesn’t deliver much. But, you may want something that reflects your products’ style and benefits.

The default WooCommerce product page is best for selling simple products. But that’s not ideal for selling products with a lot of variations.

There are tons of stores that sell products with multiple variations. Setting up your variations is straightforward. But, making those variations easy to demonstrate, browse, and purchase — that’s where you might need a helping hand.

That’s why we have linked the tutorial to help you create WooCommerce variable products.

Now, let’s get right into the steps to customize and optimize your WooCommere product page with the following plugins:

Add Swatches on the product page

No matter how exceptional your products are, they won’t sell your product pages poorly crafted.

WooCommerce allows you to create variations to a product such as an image, color, size, price, or any other specific feature your product might have.

If your product has color, size, or pattern variations, customers want to see them in action. The WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin displays variations like size, color, styles, patterns, etc., with a button, image, color, or radio button swatches.

Enable color variation swatches:  When you are selling variable attribute products, adding color variations is one of the best ways to bring more life into it.

Check the tutorial to add color variations in WooCommerce products –

Add image variation swatches: Image variation swatches provide a pleasant way to display variations of a product.

Check this guide to add image variation swatches for product attributes –

Show radio button swatches: radio button swatches are customer-friendly and help you have a better UX in your WooCommerce shop.

Check the tutorial to show radio swatches on WooCommerce variations –

Single attribute variations on the shop page: This Swatches plugin is the first WooCommerce Variation Swatches to bring this exclusive option besides the general feature. It has the feature to show single WooCommerce product attribute variations swatches on the shop category page.

Follow this guide to show selected single WooCommerce product attribute swatches of the shop category page –

The plugin features will provide customers a better idea of precisely what they are buying. At the same time, it will improve the design of your WooCommerce store product pages.

Customize the product image gallery

WooCommerce product attribute variations help increase sales based on color, style, size, etc. But it has no option to add extra images or add video file format for variations.

The Additional Image Variation Gallery plugin has some incredible features, displaying unlimited variation images per product variation, display video, gallery image sorting option, etc.

Add multiple images per variation:  The plugin has an excellent option to add multiple images for each variation.  For each variation, it allows inserting any number of images to your product variations. The feature is effective for making variation image presentations awesome.

Product video for WooCommere: Videos are powerful ways to showcase your products in action. Adding a video to product variations is advantageous for getting more store sales and customer experience.

The plugin enables adding additional images per product variation for product gallery images. Besides, it allows inserting unlimited YouTube, Vimeo, and self-hosted videos to your variations product. 

Simple CSS changes

You can control the design of your website, from colors and fonts to button sizes and backgrounds, by applying CSS code. You don’t need any plugin for that; only some basic skills with CSS are enough for that.

Head to Appearance and click on Customize. Then navigate to Additional CSS from your dashboard. After that, make the following changes:

Change the font size of product titles

Use the code below to change the size of your product titles to 34px. You can replace the ‘’34’’ with your desired number you’d like:

.woocommerce div.product .product_title {

font-size: 34px;


Change the color of product titles

A hex code is a six-digit code that represents a specific color online. You can replace the code below to change your product title color to your desired hex code. Use the HTML color picker to get the code for any color you would like.

.woocommerce div.product .product_title


color: #FF5733;


Make variation labels bold

You can use the code below to display your variation titles in bold text.

.woocommerce div.product form.cart .variations label {

 font-weight: bold;


Italicize variation labels

You can use the code below to make your variation label in bold text.

.woocommerce div.product form.cart .variations label {

font-style: italic;


Change the buy now button colors

To change the background color of your Buy Now button, use the code below.

Use the HTML color picker to get the hex code for your desired color.

.woocommerce div.product .button {

background: #000000;


Start customizing your WooCommerce product page

The design of the WooCommerce product page and how you show your products can have a great impact on your conversion. So, start customizing it using the methods described in this guide.

Hopefully, it will make you stand out from the crowd. By using these methods, your shop page can be as unique as the products that the feature.

How to Create Direct Variation Link From WooCommerce Swatches

We observed a large number of Google searches on direct variation links for  WooCommerce products. Thus, we have decided to write on this in more detail.

This is useful if you want to send any specific direct product link to your customers. You may want to send them directly to a specific variation link without having to enter it in themselves.

We are setting up a scenario for your better understanding. 

You sell headphones with multiple variations in different colors, such as red, green, and black.

You want to send your customers directly to a specific variation link of the product.

no variation link

But why would you want to do this?

Well, imagine your customers asking for specific products, or you want to advertise a specific variation of the product on social media.

It’s good practice to link directly to the black headphone rather than sending generic headphones to the page. When you link to the generic page, it will create an unnecessary extra step for your customers, leading to them abandoning the purchase.

Now the question arises, how to link directly to a specific WooCommerce product variation.

Default WooCommerce doesn’t come with this feature. We brought this feature for the first time in WooCommerce from this popular WooCommerce Variation Swatches and plugin.

We have created a video tutorial on the same topic.

Take straight to a specific variation:

It’s a pro feature of the WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin. To enable it, head to the Advanced tab from the Swatches menu. After that, enable the Generate variation link option and save your settings.

generate variation link

After that, visit your product page and click on your desired variation. You’ll notice that the URL link will be changed upon selecting different variations.

For demonstration purpose, we have selected black headphone from the variations, and the URL is created for that specific product –

variation link

That’s it!  Now you can forward your specific attribute link to your customer for a quick purchase, share it on social media, and for any marketing campaigns.

We have listed some of the best WooCommerce plugins to improve your WooCommerce product variation functionality.

How to Display Product Variations in WooCommerce

The default WooCommerce product page is best for selling simple products. However, that’s not ideal for selling products with a lot of variations.

There are tons of stores that sell products with multiple variations. 

Whether these choices are simple to size selections or multiple color options depending on what you sell, the thing that won’t change is using variation products to view and select the right options with a few simple steps. 

Setting up your variations is straightforward. However, making those variations easy to demonstrate, browse, and purchase — that’s where you might need a helping hand.

In this tutorial, we will explain how you can display WooCommerce product variations easily. Also, we will show you the use of a plugin to create a new experience for your WooCommerce variations product.

Display product variations in WooCommerce

The basic concept of the WooCommerce variable product as outlined above. It’s time to put the knowledge into action. 

Note: We assume you have your WooCommerce store up and running, and you have created a simple product for your online store.  

Step 01: Create a variable product

You need to follow the given steps to setup variable products for your store – 

  • Head to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  • Select Products, and Add new to get started.
  • Enter product details and scroll down to the Product data section.
  • Select the Variable product from the drop-down menu at the top.
variable product
Step 02: Add product attributes:

Then click on the Attributes tab.

From the dropdown menu, select the type of WooCommerce product variation you want to add. 

The default options are color, size, and variety (I have created for demonstration purposes).

variable product
  • Click on the Add button to apply your chosen attribute. 
  • Select one of the attributes from the list.
  • Then list your attribute values.
  • Check both Visible on the product page and Used for variations.
  • If your product has multiple variable attributes, you can also repeat this process.
product data
Step 03: Generate your variations
  • Now head to the Variations tab.
  • There you’ll see a drop-down menu with two options –Add variation and Create variations from all attributes.
product data

The second option will automatically generate WooCommerce product variations for every possible combination of attributes that you’ve specified.

If you would add the options manually, select Add variation and use the available menus to build each one.

variation tab

Now you can fill out the product information for each variation. There are options to upload an image, add the price, stock status, dimensions, and more. But it’s mandatory to set a price for variation.

product data

Once you’ve done this for each of your WooCommerce product variations, click on Save changes.

Step 04: Preview and publish your variable product

Once you’re done entering all the relevant information, you can save all your changes and preview the item. You can make the product live by clicking on the Publish button in the editor.

After that, you can see the live results. This is how your variable product options should appear.

product dropdown

Extend with powerful tools

WooCommerce includes everything you need to set up product variations. However, there are some extensions and plugins you may want to use to enhance the functionality of your product variations.

1. WooCommerce Variation Swatches

This WooCommerce swatches plugin turns product attribute select dropdown into beautiful swatches like color, button, radio, and image swatches. 

Your website visitors can quickly select their desired variation without pressing any extra click. It’s not only less hassle for them, but at the same time, it saves their valuable time.

2. Additional Variation Image Gallery

product gallery

Additional Variation Images Gallery plugin is helpful when it comes to displaying multiple images for WooCommerce product attribute variation.

Your customers might want to have a look at the available options. The plugin helps customers to compare a particular product from multiple variations.

3. Duplicate Variations for WooCommerce

variation product duplicate

Duplicate Variations for WooCommerce Plugin comes with an option to duplicate variable product variations in a single click.

This is useful if you create a new WooCommerce store and your variable products contain similar attributes or variations.

Final Words

Variable products makes your store much easier to navigate for the end-users, and you have less information to manage. WooCommerce already gives you the ability to display product variations. 

We hope the tutorial helped you display WooCommerce product variations easily.

If you have any questions on creating product variations in WooCommerce, ask in the comments section below.