10+ Tips To Grow Your WooCommerce Store Sales

woocommerce store tips

According to a report by eMarketer, global retail eCommerce sales were expected to reach more than $4 trillion by 2020.

The industry surged substantially greater as compared to the estimates projected in the post-Covid world.

Why should you care about these estimates? Because it will make complete sense to your decision to improve your online business. 

There are lots of options to choose from to operate your eCommerce business. We strongly recommended WooCommere for your online store.

Together with WordPress, WooCommerce puts a range of excellent tools at your fingerprints. It allows you to sell your products and services in a way that’s right for you.

Useful WooCommerce tips

This article will take you through a few tips that you can use to make shopping a pleasure for your customers. Also, it will help you to keep your site running smoothly and grow your sales.

Use well-optimized product images

Using great images of your products is an essential step towards getting your customers to browse through and eventually buy from your store. 

Moreover, product images need to be high quality and as small as possible to load quickly. A customer waiting a long time for a product image to load may get impatient and move on to the next store.

High-quality product images are a must for your store. But you also need to make sure you avoid slowing down your store’s load times with an optimized image. It is best to compress the images before you upload them to your WooCommerce store.

Optimizing your product images will give you an SEO boost and increase your organic traffic coming from Google Images. 

Create product videos

Product images are helpful, but videos are even better. Today, the internet is all about videos, and it’s the latest trend in the eCommerce industry.

The biggest drawback of purchasing an online product is the customers being unable to touch or feel it. However, you can accurately and comprehensively show the details of the product. It gives the shopper better clarity than the images.

Product videos help to build trust in your brand as a whole. It reflects the intentions of a seller. The best thing about product videos is that you can make a video once and then. Promote on several platforms.

Add multiple images per product variations

You might have already noticed that WooCommerce comes with a basic option to insert a single image per product variation. That means there are no options to add more than a single variation image.

By displaying additional images for product attribute variation, you are giving a boost to your WooCommerce store.  It helps customers to compare a particular product from multiple options. 

WooCommerce doesn’t allow you to add additional variation images for your variable products by default. However, you can do it with the Additional Variation Image Gallery for Plugin. The plugin allows you to include multiple variation images to your WooCommerce store. 

When you provide the option to choose from additional images, there are more chances to take extra advantages ahead of your competitors.

Optimize checkout page

The checkout page is the last thing shoppers see before making their purchases. It can make the difference between whether they end up abandoning or converting your product. 

It’s necessary for you to make sure that your WooCommerce checkout page is designed well and functions in a way that encourages conversions. 

Besides, secure checkout is also vital in delivering a great shopping experience. You want to be able to let your customers know that their billing and contact information is safe. 

We recommend using a plugin if you want a quick and simple way to customize the WooCommerce checkout fields. It’s a good practice to let users adjust the quantity and delete items from the checkout page.

Enable swatches instead of product drop-down 

Swatches give an alternate way to show the selection of choices for products with multiple variations. Customers can easily make their choice by clicking a swatch instead of choosing an option from a drop-down list. It’s visually appealing and improves user experience. 

When you want to present product variations, smartly showing swatches is one of the powerful options you can use. Your website visitors can quickly select their desired variation without pressing any extra click. It’s less hassle for them, and at the same time, it saves their valuable time.

We highly recommend you use this Variation Swatches for the WooCommerce plugin.  It has all the swatches features that you want for your WooCommerce shop. After using this plugin, you’ll understand how beneficial it can be for your online store. 

Clear product description

You need to write a product description that describes what you are selling and connects with your customers on an emotional level. 

The statistics show why a product description is so important – 

Your product descriptions should be practical and dynamic to engage customers. A great product description clearly states the benefits and value of the product. Moreover, it tells a story and presents the product as a solution. 

We don’t recommend you copy the product description from the manufacturer. If your competitors do this, you will face a duplicate content issue with your search engine rankings.

What makes a product description great will vary based on the type of product you are selling and the audience and industry. 

Focus on store SEO

There are many ways to drive more traffic to your WooCommerce store. But, Search Engine Optimization is one of the most effective ways to do it. SEO is one of the most effective practices for generating more traffic. 

Research from ‘Bright Edge’ shows that 53% of website traffic comes from organic search –

The best way to make sure you aren’t missing out on those potential visitors is through ongoing SEO efforts.

It doesn’t matter how attractive your WooCommerce store is or how much hard work you are putting into it unless your site ranks in search engines. That’s only possible when you receive good SEO guidance. 

WooCommerce SEO is a continuous process, and you need to focus on it to see your store’s growth in search engine traffic and sales. You can use SEO plugins to further improve your WooCommerce store. 

Return and Refund policy

This tip relates to all eCommerce stores in general, including WooCommerce stores. An exchange and refund policy is the first thing that most shoppers check before purchasing from an online store.

A well-written return policy means that customers at your shop can feel easy about their purchases. Additionally, it helps you build a strong customer relationship and improve the overall growth of your WooCommerce store.

Refund or return requests are sort of unavoidable in eCommerce. However, you can reduce the number of refunds and exchanges in your store. For that, you need to make a policy that is simple, convincing, and fair to the buyers.  

Offer deals and discounts

So, speaking about discounts and coupons in WooCommerce, they should be called ‘sales boosters’ already. It is probably the best solution every shopper seeks out when they want to increase sales volume.  

Discounts are great for getting both existing and new customers in the door and through the checkout page. Create discounts, offers, market them through newsletters and social media, and see how your sales go through the roof.

WooCommerce itself provides an option to create basic discounts. You can set the regular price and sale price of a product. The sale price shows up in the place of regular price where the latter is seen struck out.

Live chat support

Customers are the king, and customer support is the key to success for any online store. Live chat support serves multiple benefits on a WooCommerce store.

You can easily solve simple issues quickly in any scenario, your customers have to wait a specific time for your response through when having a live chat window. 

Many new store visitors would be happy to use the live chat option to understand more about your products. Moreover, many live chat extensions help you monitor user activity on your website. That will help you to design targeted marketing approaches for your store. 

Final words

Due to Covid, the next couple of months or even years will be pretty challenging for many businesses. More people will be shopping online.

If you implement the tips and tactics we have discussed above, you can make your WooCommerce store more effective. It will help you to attract more customers and increase your revenue.

Feel free to share your thoughts about what else could be done on a WooCommerce site. Also, share your own experience about implementing these mentioned tips.

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